Photos taken in the cave : general informations
The Pech Merle cave conserves particularly fragile paleolithic paintings. For conservation reasons, taking photographs inside the cave is forbidden. However, photographs (photos or videos) may be taken subject to certain conditions as follows.
Prior authorisation from two sources is necessary :
from the competent State authority ; please address your request by letter to
Monsieur le Conservateur régional
Direction Régionale des Affaires Culturelles Midi-Pyrénées Service régional de l’archéologie et de la connaissance
Hôtel des Chevaliers de Saint-Jean, 32 rue de la Dalbade – BP 811 31080 Toulouse cedex 6, FRANCE , or by e-mail to :
- from the Mairie de Cabrerets, the owner and manager ; please address your request by letter to : Monsieur le Maire, Mairie, 46330 Cabrerets, FRANCE, or by e-mail to :
Requests for permission to photograph must set out the intentions of the project, indicate the places where you would like to take photos, and exactly how you intend to do so.
Give all applicable details that you can.
Please note : it may take up to 8 weeks for your request to be processed
Permission granted by the State authority also sets out the conditions for taking the pictures : any additional lighting that may be required, the length of time allowed, the equipment you may use, the number of people involved… In all cases, the pictures must be taken from the visitors’ path, without crossing the protective barriers and without removing the protective grilles.
Permission granted by the Mairie de Cabrerets imposes :
- lthe mention of the Pech Merle Cave / Pech Merle Prehistory Centre on the published pictures,
- the delivery of a copy of the communication medium using the pictures taken.
When permission is granted, the organisation of photography/filming is to be arranged in consultation with Bertrand Defois of the Pech Merle Prehistory Centre ; please see below for the number to contact.